NAPO is fifth law enforcement group to endorse Rubio
MIAMI, FLA. — The National Association of Police Organizations endorsed Marco Rubio for re-election. NAPO represents more than one-thousand police units and associations, and more than 241,000 sworn law enforcement officers nationwide.
NAPO joins a bipartisan group of 55 of Florida’s 66 elected Sheriffs, the 1,000+ member Florida Police Chiefs Association, the 30,000+ member Florida Police Benevolent Association, and the 24,000+ member Florida Fraternal Order of Police in endorsing Senator Rubio’s re-election.
“As a United States Senator, you have backed important legislation that supports law enforcement and ensures officers get the resources they need to keep themselves and our communities safe,” said Michael McHale, NAPO President. “NAPO is pleased to support your campaign and is confident you will continue your strong support of the law enforcement community as Senator.”
To read the full endorsement, click below or HERE.